Cargo Brokers Worldwide LogisticsSeinestrasse 5
Airparc Logistic
Raunheim, Hesse, 65479, Germany
Phone : ***** *****
Fax : ***** *****
Email : ***@cargo-brokers.com
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Cargo Brokers Worldwide Logistics
As a modern logistics company, Cargo Brokers offers international service packages for international and overseas business along the entire supply chain in close cooperation with leading airlines, container shipping companies & road or rail transport. This includes the entire international documentation, customs & fiscal clearance, the bank-related letter of credit as well as the coverage of transport policies and management consultancy for complex consignments of goods and projects.
- Customs Brokerage
- Air Freight Forwarding
- Warehousing - Bonded, CFS, GO & FTZ
- Project/Heavy Lift Cargo
- Neutral/Wholesale Forwarding
- Messenger/Courier - International
- Distribution/Fulfilment
- Logistics Warehousing/Management
- Air Charter Broker
- Railroad & Intermodal
- Trucking - Local
- Sea Freight Forwarding
- Freight Forwarding - Domestic/Land
- Wine and Spirits
- On-Board/Hand Courier
- AOG/Ships Spares
- High Value Cargo
- Pharmaceutical
- Dangerous Goods/Hazmat
- Motor Vehicles
- Textiles, Garments & GOH
- Automotive Parts